Information about sanitization of reeds during COVID-19

Dear customers,

For those of you who have orders in process and those who are considering whether to order in the near future, here are the safety and sanitization measures I am using during the reed making process:
– Washing hands regularly before, during and after working on each order
– Wiping all tools and equipment with rubbing alcohol before each use
– Playing the reeds as little as possible, just enough to be sure they work
– Soaking finished reeds in hydrogen peroxide and then water to rinse
– Letting reeds dry completely before packaging to ship

Here are some measures you can take with new purchased reeds (or current reeds):
– Leave new reeds for a few days before using them (at least a week’s time from shipment)
– Soak in hydrogen peroxide and then water before first use (and occasionally thereafter) – *note* – hydrogen peroxide tends to break down the fibers of a reed more rapidly than water so reeds may wear out faster from this process
– Allow reeds to dry thoroughly between uses, preferably leave out of the reed case (or leave reed case open) as much as possible to avoid any trapped humidity
– Wash hands before and after handling reeds and your instrument
– Wipe down your desk, music stand, etc with disinfectant regularly

I hope this information will assist you in making informed decisions about purchasing and using reeds during this time. If you have additional questions or comments, please email to or send a comment through the website. If anyone has current orders in process and wishes to cancel or delay completion for a later date, please let me know I am more than happy to accommodate your preferences.

Thank you very much and best wishes to all of you,